It's been 2 years, how are you guys? I had been making stuff here and there and have somewhat neglected my PT Universe work. Thankfully, a buddy and myself have stumbled into this wondrous system called Patreon. It's like an artist's dream, it allows users to recieve funds from those who love their stuff and if it's all good then it only means that we can go further with our ambitious plans. So without further ado you can check out what we are up to here:
Your support will mean a lot to us, much thanks!
First, glad to know yo are back and good, specialy good. Second, definitly I´m going to support your work in patreon because you deserve it. :)
Is that a pic of the new game you are working on, it´s gonna be here in newgrounds?
Thanks and best wishes my friend!!
PD: sorry for my english, i speak spanish.
Hey, thanks! Yes that is a screenshot from Milkania. As you can see Henshi has undergone some sort of mutation. The game will be everywhere once it is complete including Newgrounds which were I started making the series btw.